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inspiring life choices


Hi, my name is Marilyne Verschueren I'm a Visual Designer from Belgium.

In April of 2020, I started Beamingdesign on Instagram because I wanted to create content that would make people's lives a little better. Before I knew it, it had become this great community of life quotes and design lovers.

I have always had other interests than most people of my generation, which made me different from my peers. Being a sensitive person and an empath made me want to understand other people and seek answers to important life questions. So I began reading a lot of books, listening to many podcasts, and talking to many interesting people. Different perspectives opened my eyes and helped me find inner peace. I want to share these insights, feelings, emotions, and aha moments with others by visualizing them because that is what I needed when I was going through rough times. I needed 'light'. Therefore, I hope that my art helps you take a breath for a second and think about the meaning and the beauty of life. 


Thank you for your support and outpouring love. I am looking forward to continuing this journey by growing and learning with every single one of you.


Sending you beams of light,





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